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Our Team is currently made of 10 people: Maurosaur, Mauro Bonomi: CEO & Co-Founder
Docsaur: Digital Developer & Co-Founder
Icosaur, Federico Bonomi: Technical Developer & Co-Founder
Basssaur, Davide Bassi: Head of Marketing
Pozsaur: Project Manager & Community Manager
Mircosaur: NFT Artist
Hi, I am Mauro, a member of the triceratops family, CEO and Co-Founder.
During my studies - in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano - I specialized in computer sciences, sustainability, and startups. Outside working hours, traveling and cooking are my passions. My signature dish is homemade pizza, and I took a gap year 3 years ago to do a world trip where Asia conquered my heart. Since 2020 I have been exploring the blockchain industry and one year later, while working on my thesis "Blockchain as enabler of Circular Manufacturing", I decided to officially start my career in the development of Web3.0 applied to sustainability. Once I finished my thesis, together with the core team, I decided to found Deentra.
Hi, I am Federico, a member of the T-Rex family, Technical Developer & Co-Founder
I am an energy engineer with a strong passion for energy and nature since a young age. I love traveling the world to discover new landscapes and wildlife, but sometimes I feel guilty about thinking that cities and museums are so dull compared to the wonders of nature. I started dreaming of powering the world with solar energy during high school, and wrote my thesis “Energy from the sun”. I continued my journey at the Politecnico di Milano, attending energy engineering classes. During my university studies, I had time to grow my awareness of the huge problem that climate change represents and its effects. After receiving my master’s degree, I started working on MEP (Mechanical Electrical Plumbing) systems to serve buildings and I tried different positions as a technical engineer, project manager, and sales engineer for a variety of companies. My strong concern for our planet kept me wondering how could I use my knowledge to make the world a better place, feeling that my actions as an individual were too small. Then I discovered blockchain, a place where the power within each individual matters and brings strength to the communities they become a part of. In conversation with Mauro and another Deentrasaur we came up with an idea: use blockchain to create something real to help our planet!
Hi, I am Davide, a member of the triceratops family, Head of Marketing
I chose to be represented by a Triceratops wearing a suit. I don't know why I made this choice since the only occasions where you can see me wearing one are weddings and funerals. Definitely not a suit guy. But let's talk more about myself and what I am doing at Deentra. I am a mechanical engineer, but like many of us, I never fell in love with what I was studying and started moving towards more technological stuff. First Digital marketing, then, thanks to my former bosses and mentors. I entered the Blockchain world and I become a true believer in the potential of this technology to change the actual society. I always had a weird feeling of guilt and frustration witnessing how modern society was behaving in terms of pollution and climate, at the same time I never found an organization able to me feel represented, sharing the same ideals as I had. Too many actions without proper logic in my opinion to really solve the problem. Greenwashing everywhere. Then at the end of last year, the guys proposed me to join the team and I truly felt it was my occasion to make a difference and build a project that will allow other people to make a difference as well. What am I doing here exactly? My goal is to narrate and explain this project in the most effective way to build a community that is truly aligned with our values and will support the growth of Deentra, with the belief that our ecosystem will be one of the thousands of good changes that the actual world needs to overturn its fate.
Hi, I am Mirco, a T-Rex, and the Artist. I chose to be represented by a T-rex because I don’t eat fruits or vegetables; sorry folks, I know it’s good for my health but that stuff just won’t go down! I am an Italian freelance illustrator specialized in character design and illustration who’s worked for numerous companies including Paizo inc., Monte Cook Games, Schwalb Entertainment, Green Ronin Publishing, Alderac Entertainment Group, and Nightfall Games Ltd. I studied at the Polytechnic University of Turin and later at iMasterArt’s “Advanced Digital Artist” master’s program, where I also taught from 2016 to 2020 in the digital illustration and character design course. I love to draw since childhood and I’ve worked hard to turn this passion of mine into a job; I like GDR (role-playing games) and creating fantastic stories and adventures to immerse myself with my friends and my girlfriend, but most of all I love chocolate! My pet is a cockatiel parrot named Ra but... why choose a parrot over a dog or cat? Great question! Parrots are birds, ergo the little dinosaurs of our time! What could be nicer than having a dinosaur-like creature on your shoulder!? Twitter: